Info & Prices

Format restrictions
For acoustic images, there are in principle very few format restrictions. It is however recommended to base the shape on current photographic formats. For a rectangular format, this means a side ratio of 1:1, 3:2, 2:3, 4:3, or 3:4. The thickness/depth of the images is approx 70 mm.

Print specifications
We can process the following file formats: PDF, TIFF, EPS, JPEG, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
Depending on design and material to be printed, a resolution of 75 dpi in the original format is sufficient.
Note that screen displays vary depending on the setting, the printed colors may differ! Not all screen colors are printable.

Scanning Service & Image Processing
It is also possible to digitise print designs, photos, film negatives and slides, so as to create from these a printable file (up to a width of 1350 mm for the original artwork). We can also offer digital image processing in order to remove e.g. colour tints, dust, and scratches, as well as to freshen up faded originals. Prices for the scanning service and image processing depend on the type and size of the artwork, and must be requested individually.
The designs are printed on a meshwork cover, which results in a certain textile effect and a slight "graininess". However, this does not mean any loss in quality! But do not expect the brilliance of a high gloss poster. Dark designs may appear somewhat lighter, as the acoustic material is light in colour behind the meshwork cover, and appears through the "pores" of the web.

Because of the individuality of an acoustic image, it is not possible to give general price information. Pricing is very dependent on quantity, format, and design, and can therefore be calculated only on an individual basis.